
Q is for Questions

I know this might seem like a stretch having ‘q’ stand for questions, but stay with me. 

I can think of four huge questions that have taken me from single girl to military wife. Four questions that have forever changed my life direction. Four questions that I would answer the exact same way if I were asked them again. 

You will still move, right?


My husband (at the time boyfriend) was sitting in front of his computer, his PCS orders had just come in. He had asked weeks prior if I would move with him and I had already said yes.  He went over his wish list one more time of places he could possibly move, and first asked, “Is there somewhere you really don’t want to go?” I said “Ohio”….the next words….”umm…you will still move, right?

The Answer 


Just Kidding. I packed, I left my job, and this Penn State girl moved with her boyfriend to Ohio. It was our first big step towards our future as husband and wife. For the first time I was immersed into my husband’s world. I started to understand what being a military wife was really like. The sudden TDYs, the award ceremonies, the random phone calls and texts in the middle of the night, and my very first OPM letter

Will you marry me?


We had been living together officially for roughly six months, and we took a trip to go visit my family and attend the wedding of my childhood best friend. The morning after the wedding we went to breakfast with my entire family, and my husband’s parents and grandma drove 2 hours to join us. He thinks he was smooth, but I knew something was up. 

The Answer

I bet you would never guess what I said. If you’re not sure, check out my A Cinco de Mayo Wedding post. 

When I deploy do you want to move home?


Just weeks after our wedding, and returning home from our honeymoon my brand new husband was packing his bags to leave for a month-long training. The training was the first step towards a deployment to Afghanistan that was right around the corner. 

The Answer

Inside, my answer was yes, yes, yes! But I knew deep down my answer would be no. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to move home, it was that I knew the only way I would be able to handle future deployments was if I took this one head-on and found a way to get through it, in our home, not the home of someone else. 

For some people going home is the best choice, and who knows it might be the best choice for me one day, but I knew for that particular deployment it was important for me to find my own way. 

Do you want me to see if we can move early?


I was pregnant, very pregnant when my husband come home with PCS orders. And the report no later than date was exactly 2 days after my due date. 

The Answer

Pack it up, lets go. 

For only my second true PCS move, it was quite an adventure moving while pregnant

As part of the A to Z Challenge I’ve decided to focus on the ABCs of Military Life, to check out any of my other posts you can follow me on Twitter @aiminghighwife and look for #abcsofmilitarylife 

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