Comments on: Our First Deployment Life of a milso & mommy Sun, 22 May 2016 23:53:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara | Belly Rumbles Mon, 10 Aug 2015 14:47:49 +0000 Awe you got an I love you instead which saved him from you kicking him in the shins, true romance 🙂

By: Meaghan | Cook. Craft. Love. Mon, 03 Aug 2015 16:39:26 +0000 This is so sweet! I love hearing other people’s stories because it’s almost never like a movie!

By: Tara Mon, 03 Aug 2015 12:56:37 +0000 I know a lot of people that have this kind of experience. It makes me sad that people can’t find a way to support their deployed loved ones rather than adding problems.:(

By: Nicole @Little Blog on the Homestead Mon, 03 Aug 2015 03:59:34 +0000 You’re first deployment story is a whole heck of a lot nicer than mine was. I was on the other end of the equation wondering why my husband at the time, who was not working, couldn’t be bothered to write me one letter. Was spending all of the money I was making on really irresponsible stuff. And in general being a toddler 3000 miles away. I like your story a lot better! And I think watching the top 50 romantic movies sounds like a genius idea 😉
